143.4…Keeping Busy

Last night before our school event, we went to Sammy's Woodfired Pizza for dinner. I love Sammy's and haven't been is SO long! My meal started out with their Tomato Basil Soup.

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My husband and I split our favorite salad there: The Original Chopped Chicken Salad (lettuce, tomatoes,  mozzarella, fresh organic basil, oven-roasted tomatoes, red wine vinaigrette):

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This is one of my favorite salads on the planet.

Breakfast this morning was strawberry Chobani Greek Yogurt with Easy Granola, strawberries and blueberries.

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I took the kids to school then went to Cardio Muscle class. Four times this week at the gym! 

I ran a bunch of errands and stopped at Wahoo's for my normal fish tacos. 

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I find that if I don't keep myself busy, I think I'm hungry. When I brought the kids home from school, they wanted a snack. All of a sudden, I felt like I needed a snack too. I wasn't hungry before that. I decided to drink a glass of water and find something to do. It worked….for now. :)

Tonight my son has a basketball game and we will be grabbing dinner out afterwards. Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday party!

What things do you do to keep you from eating when you're really not hungry? Besides keeping busy and drinking water, I also try chewing gum.

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  1. That tomato basil soup looks amazing with the shaved parm!

    Well, I haven't been following my advice lately, but I too drink an 8 ounce glass of lemon water and that usually does the trick!


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