142.6…Restaurant Success

Last night was Bunco but it wasn't any ordinary Bunco…we went to a restaurant instead of someone's home. Since I'm in charge of the Bunco group, I had the pleasure in choosing the restaurant. An Italian restaurant nearby opened recently, called Rosina's, and I decided to give it a shot!

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I'm so glad I did! The food and service were outstanding!! The bread and tomato oil dip that was brought to the table was delicious. Of course I had to try it! I managed to keep it to one small piece of bread.

For my entree, I went a bit off the menu and ordered Sea Bass Piccata which was suggested by our server. Excellent suggestion!

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Many others ordered the same thing and loved it. I had steamed vegetables  with mine but some people ordered the polenta which they raved about. 

I did not order dessert but I did try Cathi's cannoli and it was delicious. You know you have a good Italian restaurant when their cannoli is amazing! I can't wait to go back to Rosina's.

Breakfast this morning was scrambled egg beaters with salsa, cheddar cheese, green onions and zucchini.

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I took the kids to school then went to the gym for an hour. Lunch was skinny fish tacos at Wahoo's. I believe that they are the secret to weight loss. :)

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The traveling bug hits again. Tomorrow we are all off to Punta de Mita, Mexico with another family. It should be a fun, relaxing trip!

Favorite thing to order at an Italian restaurant?

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  1. I love sea bass, I just wish it wasn't so expensive! It's $25 a pound here.

    Gosh, another trip? So crazy! Have fun. :D


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