Riding The Freeways

When I’m at my parent’s house it’s always a challenge to figure out what to have for lunch and dinner. My brother and his wife came over last night and between all of us, we were able to choose some different for dinner: Luciano’s Italian Restaurant.

I ordered a Shrimp Caesar salad.

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It was pretty good and different from all the other stuff we’ve been having.

Breakfast this morning was toast with peanut butter…my standard breakfast at my parent’s house.

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I jumped in the car and headed to a couple of appointments. Lunch was a quick stop at El Pollo Loco. I ordered a BRC burrito.

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I could have eaten two of them but oh well.

I picked up the kids from school and headed home to get packed for Palm Springs. So far today I’ve been on EIGHT different freeways. I still have a two hour drive tonight to Palm Springs. I wish you could get points or credit for freeway mileage. I would be a platinum freeway driver!

Do you spend a lot of time in your car?


  1. Is that shrimp breaded?? Looks delicious! I drive about 30 minutes each way to work.

    When I lived closer to the city, I took public transporation to work - in 8 years I only put 40,000 miles on my car!

    Have fun in Palm Springs!!


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