Great News!

Thursday night my brother and I picked up El Pollo Loco (again!) for my parents for dinner. I decided to be creative and try some new menu items.

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I split a Chicken & Avocado stuffed quesadilla with my brother (too gorpy), ordered a tortilla roll (boring) and a crunchy chicken taco (excellent).

Yesterday morning, we received a call that we’ve been waiting for. My dad recently had a blood test to determine if he was able to continue treatment or not (the last blood test failed to deliver the results necessary). Well, the first treatment must have started working because his numbers have improved! He’s going in for treatment next week. This is his only hope so we are ecstatic over here!!

After we had all calmed down a bit, it was breakfast time.

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Peanut butter and toast.

Lunch was the salad bar at Gelson’s.

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I can’t remember the last time I ate a vegetable.

Dinner was some more of Stephanie’s leftover pasta and meatballs.

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And another salad:

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I’m on a roll with the vegetables!

Breakfast may bore you:

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Toast with peanut butter. As you can see, my mouth got to it faster than my camera.

Tonight I’ll be attending a friend’s birthday party with my husband. He and the kiddos will be staying at my brother in law’s house where I will be going shortly. I’m not sure when I’m heading back to San Diego…maybe tomorrow or in another day. Things are more under control over here so I don’t feel as bad leaving. We are just so happy with the latest results! Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

What was the last bit of good news you received?


  1. oh thats such great news:) i'm so happy for your dad! love the pasta!! :)

  2. That's awesome news Melissa!!


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