138.4 yesterday….Disappointing Pizza

Yesterday’s breakfast you’ve seen before.

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Trader Joe’s vanilla Greek yogurt with Cascadian Farms Granola, strawberries and raspberries.

I grabbed my suitcase (which never gets put away anymore) and drove to Los Angeles to visit my dad. He had another treatment on Tuesday and seems to be doing a bit better which is great news.

We all decided on El Pollo Loco for lunch. I had the two piece meal with tortillas, Cole slaw and beans.

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It really hit the spot!

The rest of the day was spent with my dad and helping my mom around the house. We decided we wanted pizza and salad for dinner. We chose Round Table Pizza.

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We grew up loving Round Table pizza but last night’s pizza just wasn’t that great. I’m not exactly sure why but it just wasn’t. :(

This morning’s breakfast was toast with peanut butter.

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I didn’t want to get stuck in Friday traffic so I hit the road for San Diego right after breakfast.

When I got home, I immediately made lunch.

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Turkey sandwich with Jalapeno Pop Chips. :)

Tonight my husband and I are going to a “White Party” at our club. Everyone is supposed to dress in white. It should make for some great photos!

When was the last time you had a disappointing meal?


  1. I would love to weight 138.4 right now.

    And gees... I almost hate nothing more than a disappointing meal. I feel so jipped.

  2. bummer about the pizza :( lunch looks great though!


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