137.8…Weekend Recap & A Birthday

This past weekend in Palm Springs flew by. We had tons of fun hanging out with family and relaxing in the sun. Of course there were good eats too!!

Friday we drove to Palm Springs and checked into the Westin Rancho Mirage. We met up with some of our family who had arrived a bit earlier and headed to Rosati’s Pizza in La Qunita. My friend, Denise, told me about this place when we were in Phoenix and she also told me there was one near Palm Springs. Score!

We shared a Caesar salad while we waited for our stuffed pizza to be ready.

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It was worth the wait.

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Yes, completely ridiculous but oh so good.

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I only managed one slice because they were THAT big. I enjoyed it…not as much as the one in Phoenix but it was awesomeness nonetheless.

Saturday morning I quickly ate a Larabar for breakfast and we all headed out to the pool.

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We spent the entire day by the pool. They had a bunch of water slides for the kids. Everyone was happy. :)

Lunch was grilled fish tacos poolside.

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Eventually we wrapped things up by the pool and headed back to our rooms to relax before dinner.

Now, let me tell you about the size of our group. There were 19 of us. It’s hard to get a reservation anywhere for 19 people let alone on a Saturday night on a busy weekend in Palm Springs. That didn’t leave a ton of options. The obvious choice: Souplantation.

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My usual giant salad and bowl of chili. I had a piece of their fabulous pizza bread (my favorite) as well as dessert.

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Sundae with a bit of everything on it.

Yesterday morning I had another Larabar for breakfast and then we headed to the pool again. You have to get there early in order to save enough seats of all of us.

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And we were still missing two chairs….. 

Lunch was a grilled salmon Caesar salad.

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After lunch, I packed up the room and we drove back to San Diego. I could have stayed at the pool forever…it was such a nice day!

We ended up going to a friend’s house for dinner. We ordered Villa Capri 2 for delivery. My friend ordered Rigatoni Bolognese, Chicken Piccata, Spaghetti, salad and pizza.

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I had some of everything….and then went back for seconds. It was so good!

Today is a very special day. 7 years ago today, my son was born. I cannot believe that he is 7 already!! He went back to school today but we have tons of exciting things planned for him today.

Breakfast this morning was Chobani pineapple yogurt with homemade granola and berries.

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I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. After class, I went to Trader Joes and then came home to make my son’s birthday cake. He wanted chocolate cake, blue frosting and red lettering. :)

Lunch was a tuna salad mixed with jalapeno yogurt dip on a bed of greens.

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I’m on my way to my son’s school with ice cream sandwiches for his class. My son wants to go on a hike and go to PF Changs for his birthday. :)

What was the best thing you ate all weekend?


  1. I literally took a breath in and my eyes got big when I saw that deep dish pizza pic. I have never seen anything like it and it looks AWESOME!! I have got to try a pizza like that some day. I was in Palm Springs last year too-wish I'd know. The best thing I ate all weekend was Pizza; it was delicious but it didn't look anything like yours. Happy B Day to your son.


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