136.0…A Rewarding Workout

Thursday night we went over to my sister in law’s house for dinner. She had a bunch of different appetizers  and some wine out when we arrived.

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I helped myself to some wine of course! She picked up El Pollo Loco for dinner. I also helped myself to some of that. :)

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Chicken, tortilla, Cole slaw and macaroni & cheese. So good! I went back for another piece of chicken and another tortilla.

My mother in law also came and she brought Funfetti cupcakes.

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I cannot resist Funfetti anything so I had to have one. At least they were mini size. :)

Friday morning I had Chobani pineapple yogurt with Nutella Granola and berries for breakfast.

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I took the kids to school and then went back to Pure Barre. That class is seriously HARD. The instructor kept saying “Tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck!” over and over again but I was thinking about another word that rhymes with tuck.

I went to my nail appointment and then picked up a Greek salad with a chicken kabob at Luna Grill for lunch.

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I picked up my daughter from school, got my car washed and then went to my son’s class for a school event.  Then it was off to a birthday party for a friend of my son’s. While I was there I ate a small piece of veggie pizza and ate the last few bites of the cake he didn’t finish.

When we finally got home, I made myself dinner number two.

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Leftover pasta and leftover meatballs from my swap party.

This morning I made an egg beaters sandwich on a toasted English muffin with avocado and cheese. I had some strawberries on the side.

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This morning’s spin class was quite rewarding. A few weeks ago, my spin instructor, Vince, told me that if I could reach 600 calories on my heart rate monitor, he would bring in mimosas for the class. I almost died doing it but I did it.

Today was my reward.

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Mimosas after class. 

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A happy, sweaty lady.

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Thank you Vince!!!!! And no…we did not plan the rainbow of shirts.

Are you competitive?  I am for sure…sometimes I don’t like getting involved in stuff because it becomes too competitive for me. :) Example: the games Words with Friends & Scramble with Friends. I am obsessed. Do you guys play these games??


  1. I love mimosas! I wish my spin instructor would offer to do something fun like that!! Nope, not competitive at all. I am, however, always looking for new Words With Friends opponents...username laurad725 :-)

  2. @laura
    I started a game with you! I'm not that good usually so be prepared to kick my butt! :)


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