138.8…Back in the Saddle

When trying to figure out what to have for dinner last night,  I made an exciting discovery in my freezer. I found one last ramekin of my Ultimate Mac & Cheese. I don’t want to even admit how long it’s been in there. I don’t care….it still tasted fabulous.

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I added some broccoli and a bunch of Cholula hot sauce and enjoyed every bite while watching the Oscars. Did you watch them? Uh…what was up with Angelina Jolie’s leg?? She was so awkward the way she stood with it stinking out.  I couldn’t stop laughing….and then when that writer made fun of her….I was dying.

She also could use a cheeseburger. Just sayin’.

Breakfast this morning was a toasted waffle with peanut butter and a side of strawberries:

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I took my kids to school and ran some errands including a much needed trip to Trader Joe’s.

After I put all my groceries away, I did something I haven’t done in a couple of weeks. I got back in the saddle….or in other words…I worked out! Well….sort of. I met some friends at the gym and walked on the “revolving apparatus of death” (AKA the treadmill) for 45 minutes. The doctor cleared me for “brisk walks” now but I didn’t want to push it so I walked at 3.2 mph. While it felt slow, I still broke a tiny sweat and it felt good to get my body moving again!

Since I’ve been in food boredom lately at my house, I decided to pick up something new while I was at Trader Joe’s for lunch:

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Trader Joe’s Chicken Tikka Masala with Cumin Flavored Basmati Rice. It was easy to heat up in the microwave and I decided to add some peas to it to get some veggies in.

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Good thing I did…that was one small serving of food. I really enjoyed the taste though! The flavors were great! I would buy it again but definitely would add veggies or eat a salad with it.  I don’t normally eat frozen meals like that but sometimes it’s nice to have on hand for a quick meal.

Favorite dress at the Oscars?

Favorite frozen meal?


  1. I didn't watch the Oscars. I did watch the fashion recaps today though :) What was up with that dress? She could use a few cheeseburgers for sure!

  2. I agree - it looked like a peg leg!!! LOVE mac and cheese - think Angie needs a bowl!
    mary x

  3. LOL, she certainly could use something to eat.

    I have been MIA in the blogosphere lately. I do hope you are feeling better, whatever you saw the doctor for.


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