138.6…Using It Up

I get this strange high from using stuff up. Whether it be beauty products or food items, I get a great satisfaction from using the last of something and throwing the empty packaging away.

The funny thing is that one of my best pals, Lisa, wrote about the very same thing on her blog the other day! It got me thinking about the weird things that make people happy. I didn’t know that Lisa and I share a very strange quirk! :)

Before my surgery, I stockpiled a bunch of leftovers in the freezer for future meals. Instead of making new recipes and buying a whole bunch of food, I decided I need to try and use up what I have.  

Case in point: dinner last night. I pulled out my leftovers of Skillet Chili Mac with Corn and reheated it.

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Not as fabulous as the fresh version but delicious nonetheless. And the best part was all I had to do was throw it in the microwave. Voila! Dinner was done!

This morning I saw that I had about a bowl’s worth of Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal so I knew that would be breakfast! Another empty box in the trash! Paired with almond milk and strawberries it was a great breakfast.

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I took the kids to school, went to the gym for a walk on the treadmill with some friends and came home. Lunch was a delicious tuna salad sandwich and a big salad on the side. I dressed it with one of my favorite bottled salad dressings: Girard’s Light Champagne Vinaigrette.

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Nothing too exciting on the rest of the day’s agenda. Just the normal school pick-ups and homework. But dinner…that’s another story….we are going to Souplantation and I’m excited! All this eating at home trying to “use stuff up” has me wanting a break! :)

Do you try to use up what you have in your pantry/freezer/fridge on a regular basis?


  1. Our version of that restaurant is called Sweet Tomato - my Mom and I have been there probably a dozen times - I am such a soup whore - love it!

    I am actually going to limit my grocery shopping to like $60 the next few weeks to use up the stuff I have. :D

  2. I Love doing that too, also love it when I finish off beauty products.

  3. I hear ya sista....kinda like the high I get from crossing things off my To Do list !!!

  4. Hey toots, it's been a while and you've lost weight since I last was here! Don't know how with that glorious banana bread I spied below this post. ;) About trying to get yourself to like hot cocoa--I say why try to force yourself to like anything when you can just have a brownie instead? ;)

  5. I also love to finish stuff off! Great job on the weight...I had ww today and hit 139.5....whoo hoooo...coming on down!

  6. Looks like you did a great job with your leftovers - I try but don't always succeed!
    Mary x

  7. @Veronica Miller
    Haha! It's all about trying to find homes for the stuff I bake before I eat it. :)

  8. I love using up stuff in my kitchen! I feel like such a success when I dont' have to throw stuff away!


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