143.6…Recipe Successes and Failures

Let’s talk about the failure first: dinner last night.

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I made a recipe for chicken curry. Now, I love curry. Love. This recipe was pretty simple and seemed like it was going to be bland so I tried kicking it up a bit with other spices. Still tasted bland. The only thing that made it better was putting a whole lot of Sriacha hot sauce on it. By the time I finished dinner, my mouth was on fire. The recipe went in the trash.

Breakfast this morning was a real egg with a slice of cheese on an English muffin with some cantaloupe. I gave the watermelon a break today.

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I went to an extra awesome spin class today. I killed it and it felt great! I love workouts like that!

Lunch was a repeat of yesterday’s lunch: the rest of the Feta Turkey Burger (with some yellow mustard on top), Mexican Bean Salad and Cole Slaw:

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A recipe success was the cookies I made today!

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Best Chocolate Chip Cookies. They came out a bit flat but tasted great!

My sister in law and brother in law and their kids came over to play, swim and have dinner. While some of them swam, I sat outside with some wine and relaxed.

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For dinner I made a new recipe: Spinach Lasagna Rolls.

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They were easy to make and turned out excellent. To go with it I made a big salad with Caesar dressing.

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My plate (I had a piece of Trader Joe’s Margarita pizza my sister in law brought over):

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For dessert,  I brought out some homemade chocolate ice cream that I’ve had in the freezer for who knows how long. Still tasted fabulous! Glad I rediscovered it….or not. :)

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A little sundae. :)

What was your last recipe failure?

Have you ever made ice cream?


  1. Sorry about the dinner failure. I hate when that happens. I can usually tell exactly what my husband thinks of dinner, by watching if and how much hot sauce is added to the meal.

  2. Yep, sriracha is one that can get away from you pretty quick!

    Glad the lasagna turned out though. I've made icecream before - I need to pull it out again beause I have a recipe for strawberry ice cream I want to make.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. hmmm last recipe failure...I dont speak of such things! ha


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