145.2…Great Success

Last night’s dinner party was a Great Success! (Borat Voice). I really feel like I’m mastering entertaining. I got so much done ahead and was so organized that I was able to relax and enjoy myself! I even got to sit down and enjoy all the delicious food I made. Score!

When everyone arrived, I put out my favorite guacamole. I feel like it’s the best batch I ever made!

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I also put out chips, salsa and watermelon.

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On a side note: I now have so much watermelon I don’t know what to do with it. Any ideas? Looks like I’ll be eating my fair share of it.

I also made a dip I’m famous for. My friend Gia gave me this recipe awhile back. It has no name so I’ll just call it Gia’s Famous Spicy Dip. It will rock your world.

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Gia’s Famous Spicy Dip

Printable Recipe

1 8 oz. package cream cheese, diced and softened

2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese

1 16 oz. jar Pace Hot Chunky Salsa

1 5 oz. can evaporated milk

1  10 oz. package chopped frozen spinach (thawed and drained)

1 Tbsp red wine vinegar

Salt & Pepper to taste (I sometimes add cayenne pepper to make it even more spicy)

Mix it all together and put in the oven for 12-15 minutes at 400 degrees (or until bubbly).

I fired up the grill and cooked up some pollo asado for tacos. They turned out great! I put the chicken on corn tortillas and topped them with chopped onion, cilantro and Cholula hot sauce. Each taco got a squeeze of fresh lime.

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For sides I made my favorite Cole slaw: Bobby Flay’s Creamy Cole Slaw. I also made a Mexican Bean Salad…another favorite. They tasted great together!

Dessert was zucchini bread and my favorite brownies: Toffee Brownies aka Crack Brownies.

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Why crack brownies you ask? Because they are addictive like crack (or so I would imagine). Try one and you’ll see what I mean.

I had a great time and enjoyed dinner immensely. I love that meal! Clean up was pretty quick last night. My husband AND kids help bring everything back inside the house. Yeah for team work!

Breakfast this morning was a toasted English muffin with Barney Butter. I haven’t had it in awhile and miss it! That stuff is also like crack.

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Oh look…watermelon want a surprise.

I took the kids to the bus for camp and then went to Pilates and Zumba. Our main Zumba instructor was back today. I left a sweaty mess. I missed her.

I was excited for lunch. I didn’t have a lot of time but that was ok since all I wanted were leftover Cole slaw and bean salad.

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Did I mention that they taste great together?

I followed my salad duo up with a small piece of zucchini crack.

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I went to get my nails done, go to Target and then picked up the kids. While waiting for their bus to arrive, I had some…..

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Watermelon!!! How long before I get sick of it?

Are you an organized entertainer or a stress case?

Any watermelon recipes/ideas?


  1. sounds like a great dinner!! i LOVE watermelon, i'm not sure i'd ever get sick of it. what about throwing some in a blender with some sprite and some alcohol (vodka, gin, whatever you have) for a fun little slushy?

  2. Your dinner looks great. I'm sure everyone loved it. I'm pretty organized when entertaining, but I'm also laid back about it. I love hosting people here in my home so much that I think that really helps it go smoothly.

  3. Sounds like the party went really well! Your guac looks great.

    And I need some of those crack brownies in my life asap.


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