Six Hours on a Plane

Good evening! I’m on my flight back home! Loving the Wi-Fi on Virgin America!! We get into Los Angeles super late tonight and then have to drive to San Diego. It will be nice to sleep in my own bed.

Last night my husband had to attend a work dinner so we all went out to dinner without him. My aunt chose Charley’s Saloon:

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I ordered the baked shrimp stuffed with crab. It came with rice and veggies.

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It was just ok. I wasn’t super impressed with the food. I did try a few bites of my aunt’s ice cream pie.

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Now that’s what I’m talking about!

This morning I was up before the kids (shocker!) and decided to get myself a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee.

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I choose the French vanilla flavor… good. Why don’t we have Dunkin Donuts?? 

By the time I got mostly packed up, it was time to meet my aunt and uncle for lunch. I guess the coffee was my breakfast. :)

We went back to Papa Razzi….the hubby really liked it.

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Their foccacia bread was outstanding. I ate an entire piece.

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I ordered the prosciutto, tomato, mozzarella panini:

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Eh. It was ok. Great idea but the bread wasn’t very good or panini-like.

After lunch, we went back to the hotel to finish packing and load the car. We had some time to spare (no pun intended) so we went bowling! :) My kids LOVE to bowl. I had a great time too….I actually broke 100! I’m not the best bowler you’ve ever met.

Then it was off to the airport. We are underway on our SIX hour flight. Six really?? Apparently there’s a ton a head wind. Bite me head wind.

What a great trip we had! I enjoyed seeing family, eating my way through Boston and watching my kids have a ball. The hotel, The Colonnade, was excellent. I highly recommend it.

I guess it’s time to get back to real life and start eating healthy. I’m ready for it. I actually don’t want to see another French fry again for awhile. Now wine….that’s another story. :)

Do you ever go bowling?

What’s your favorite blog (besides mine of course)? :)


  1. I'm a horrible bowler!

    So glad that you guys had fun! Sounded like a great trip!

  2. Sounds like you guys have had a great vacation. For me, coming home is always bittersweet.

    I'm a terrible bowler. hitting triple digits is a good day indeed.

  3. I haven't been bowling in years, I may need to try it again :)

  4. :) yeah that sounds like a lot of delicious food ! :) my mouth actually watered. I was glad to read about the great trip you had! Very nice!

    and yes..I love shrimps!

  5. I really haven't had a chance to go bowling. I like many blogs though; but I can mention the 'Fit Foodie Finds' blog apart from yours as being one of the blogs I follow regularly.

  6. I just caught up on your vacationing posts and WOW, even though its morning here you have me craving some french fries! Better keep myself away from in and out for a few days! Glad you had a great vacay and safe travels!!

  7. I love bowling too, but don't do it often. We just got a Wii and I wish I was as good at bowling in real life as I am on that! I can do no wrong on the Wii. My favorite blog is probably Jenna's Everything Blog, followed by My Kitchen Cafe, Healthy Food for Living, Loser for Life, My Bizzy Kitchen, and way too many others to remember, including yours!

  8. I love bowling, but I suck at it. I mean, I suck. SUCK. My highest score was a 150-something, which is pretty good, but I usually get ... 60?
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  9. Next time you make it to a dunkin donuts, try the blueberry is. so. yum. Seatle's Best also has a blueberry coffee I believe!

  10. Hope the rest of your trip back went well! Sorry the food at the restaurants was just meh. When I go out to eat I always hope for it to be amazing.

    I always get excited when I break 100 in bowling too. LOL

  11. Dunkin' Iced Coffee is so incredible. Glad you go to enjoy it :)


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