143.0…On the road!

I’m writing this post from the car! We are on our way to Orange County for the day/night to stay with my mother in law. We are leaving bright and early for Boston tomorrow morning from Los Angeles.

Sorry I didn’t post last night but I went to TWO dinner parties. Yup, I ate two dinner last night. That’s how I like to roll. More on that in minute…

Monday night my husband took me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant: Firenze. They half half price bottles of wine on Mondays. :)

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We split our favorite salad: Chopped Caesar:

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I ordered a new dish for dinner:

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It was linguine topped with prosciutto, pine nuts, spinach and gorgonzola. It was delicious and so fresh tasting! I decided that I need to make it a goal to try everything on their menu. I’m well on my way!

Yesterday’s breakfast was Special K Vanilla Almond & Fiber One cereal with almond milk and a side of cantaloupe:

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I made my way over to Great News for a cooking class. The class was entitled “Spring Tea Party.” I love tea sandwiches. I could eat a million. And it doesn’t really count because they are so small right?

The first two recipes were BLT Smoked Turkey Lavash Rolls with Honey Mustard Spread  AND Salmon Mousse on Pumpernickel Fingers with Cucumber Slices:

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Holy yum to both of them. My favorite was the salmon mousse one. Unbelievably good!!

The next two recipes were Curried Puff Pastry Sausage Rolls AND Cheddar Cilantro Scones with Hot Pepper Jelly Cream Cheese Spread:

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Both winners. I think the sausage rolls would make a great appetizer at a party!

The last two recipes were Oreo Chocolate Truffles AND Glazed Lemon Tea Cake with Macerated Strawberries:

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Both were good but the Oreo Truffles knocked my socks off and were so easy to make! I will have to be making these soon!

After class, I ran a bunch of errands and came home to make an appetizer for one of the parties I went to.

The first dinner party we went to was a Passover dinner at a friends house. There was a lot of good wine, delicious food and great company. The kids had a ball with all the other kids.

We had some fabulous matzah ball soup:

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And a great dinner!

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Chicken, roasted potatoes (sweet and regular), peas and a couple of salads.

I had to excuse myself from that party to go to the next: Bunco. I got their just in time to have my second meal:

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Mexican bar! I made a big burrito and had some of the Tomato Feta Salad that I brought. Make this salad – it’s a winner!

I put this cute tag on my wine glass (it was meant for beer bottles but I made it work) that said: More Please:

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It worked!

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My wine glass magically refilled! How wonderful!

It was up at at em this morning! Get packed, get dressed, and get the fish bowls cleaned. I bought these food tablets that feed them for 7-10 days. What a great invention!

Breakfast was an egg sandwich on a toasted English muffin. No fruit…we are all out.

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Ok…that’s enough before I get carsick! We are flying Virgin America tomorrow (yeah Wi-Fi!) so hopefully I’ll have a chance to catch up on all your blogs! Catch you on the flip side.

Do you get carsick?

Ever been to Boston? What should I see? Where should we eat? Keep in mind we have two little kids with us. :)


  1. You have to go to Mike's Pastry for sweets! SO amazing. Also you should take them along part of the Freedom trail...very historical and cool. I loved Boston and I know you will too! Have a great time.

  2. have so much fun! i ALWAYS get carsick. hate it!

  3. I've never been to Boston, but I would LOVE to visit!! You'll have to fill us in on all the great places to go and everything. Hope you have a great time!

    Oreo truffles are so good!! Did they just do a pkg of oreos with cream cheese, then cover in chocolate??

  4. Im from CT and live an hour from Boston so I'm there a lot! Definitely try to go to the North End (Little Italy) it's near the Prudential Center . Go to Mike's Pastry shop or Modern Pastry for authentic italian desserts! and there is a ton of delicious italian restaurants in the North End. www.northendboston.com
    Faneuil Hall is across the way from the North Endand it's marketplace with a huge indoor food court (but don't think mall food court think really good food) and then outdoor shops. Go to www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com and enjoy! Boston is a beautiful city!

  5. TWO dinner parties?! Love it! I don't get car sick unless it's REALLY narrow roads and lots of hills (i.e. trying to get a lake in the middle of no where). I've never been Boston! I hope you have a blast!

  6. Thanks Hallie and Kristin for the great recommendations!!

  7. Megan: Yes, that's exactly what they did. So easy!

  8. I am sure someone told you Legal Seafood. It's a chain but it's great. There is probably one near where you are staying. Also, have you tried rice milk? I tried it and like it better than almond milk. Maybe fun to change it up once in a while.


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