
As I was uploading my photos for this post, I realized that compared to last weeks craziness, this post will be boring! The shenanigans cannot go on forever and I must return to my normal life. Knowing me, I’m sure I’ll will come up with some excitement soon. :)

For my final evening as a “single lady” last night, I pulled something exciting out of the freezer: Ultimate Mac & Cheese!

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All I had to do was defrost it and pop into the oven for 30 minutes. It tasted even better than when I first made it! With a salad it was a perfect meal. I went to bed at a reasonable hour and had a glorious sleep. I’m trying to bank as many hours of sleep before the family comes home. :)

Breakfast this morning was Cinnamon Burst Cheerios with almond milk and a side of cantaloupe:

March 2011 034

I went to spin class and had a fabulous workout. Sweat dripping everywhere. Even my ears were sweating. I’m sure you wanted to know that.

After changing, I ran some errands. Tomorrow night I’m hosting my annual Swap Party at my house. Everyone brings clothes/shoes/accessories that they no longer need/want and we eat, drink and swap stuff! I had to buy some food for the party. See, I already came up with something not boring. I am resourceful I tell ya!

Here’s where boring returns: Lunch was the same exact salad as yesterday.

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At least I ate it in a different place. :)

Also boring: I’m about to pop another Ultimate Mac & Cheese in the oven for dinner. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Family will be home in a couple of hours. Single time is almost over but I miss their faces and can’t wait for some big hugs and kisses!

Do you repeat meals often?

What are you most excited about this week?


  1. I want to come to your swap party! I bet you and your friends have some great stuff!

    I do repeat meals. Once I have something really good, I want to have it for my next several meals. Then I switch to something else and repeat.

  2. Good Post Melissa. Nice foods there.

    Excited about?.... well; I dont know. May be the new job that I have got since last 2 days. Learning stuff, getting a hang of the new work and all. Other than that.. nothing to be excited about comes to my mind right now. :(

    I do repeat meals.

  3. I repeat meals all the time. One of the reasons I had to take a blogging break. I am to focused on my 19 mos. old daughter to be as creative in meals as I would like to be.
    Excited about? Hmmm...date night this weekend!

  4. i love the idea of a swap party!!

    i repeat meals over and over again :)

  5. "also boring" LOL

    I love repeating meals - I say why not?!

    So I noticed you freeze a lot and eat your meals from the freezer a lot. Do you have any freezer tips you can share? Like what pans you use, what dishes work well, how you defrost them to eat, etc.? I'm thinking of getting more into the freezer biz! :)

  6. I am looking forward to hanging out with my daughter tonight! :D

    If it weren't for my blog, I think I could eat pizza, burgers, pasta and tacos every day and never get sick of it! :D


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