139.4 Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

The family is home!! I was so excited to see them! Hugs and kisses were abundant. :)

I warned you that I would do a repeat of Saturday night’s dinner for dinner last night: Ultimate Mac & Cheese:

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The salad was different though! I used mixed greens instead of romaine. And I ate it on the couch instead of the table. I know how to live it up! :)

Kelly over at Fitting Back In asked me about my freezing tips in a recent comment so I thought I’d address that on the blog. I love to freeze leftovers. I get tired of repeating dinners often (unless it’s Mac N Cheese!) so I freeze the leftovers for another time.

I freeze just about everything. You won’t know if it will work unless you give it a try. Most things freeze pretty well I’ve found but you need to store them properly to avoid freezer burn and whatever other nasty thing could happen to them in the freezer. My favorite way to freeze leftovers is in Tupperware type containers. My favorite are these by Martha Steward that I found at Macy’s:

April 2011

Great quality, the lock into place and are meant to be used in the freezer. Score!

I label each container with the date and what it is on a piece of masking tape stuck onto the container. That way I know what it is! Here is website with great freezing information including what can and can not be frozen and for how long.

I had 5 miles to run this morning so I decided to go with my favorite “before a run” breakfast: peanut butter on toast. I had some cantaloupe as well.

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I dropped the kids off at school (they were so excited to go back!) and went for a 5 mile run. For some reason I was nervous about it but it turned out to be a great run! I just told myself before it started that it would be great….and it was. Sometimes a little pep talk does the trick.

Mile 1 – 10:31

Mile 2 – 10:29

Mile 3 – 10:10

Mile 4 – 9:56

Mile 5 – 9:46

I came home, showered, and made lunch:

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Turkey and provolone cheese sandwich on wheat bread with a mixed greens salad. Simple and satisfying.

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you already heard me sing Jenny’s praises over at Picky Palate for changing my life with these:

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Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. Yes….you heard me right.

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You make a chocolate chip cookie dough and wrap it around an Oreo and bake them. How could this be bad!?!

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There’s an Oreo hiding in there! Genius. You can find the recipe HERE.

I made these cookies for the Swap Party I’m hosting tonight. Something tells me they will be a hit. :)

What do you do with leftovers?

Do you ever give yourself a pep talk before a workout?


  1. I've been seeing those oreo stuffed cookies all over the blog world! I'm not a huge oreo fan, but everyone says they're fantastic! I jsut think that the "artifical" oreo chocolate flavor wouldn't mesh well with the real chocolate in the choc chips...but what do I know?!

  2. oooh this would rock with one of those newmans own oreos too! fun!

    thanks for the freezer tips! I have horrible issues with freezer burn b/c I use regular ziplock bags and glass pyrex lidded bowls... bah. I just dont want to by new stuff... but i want to be able to freeze. and now i'm whining =) haha!

    love ya!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  3. Leftover in our house usually end up being hubby's lunch for the next day!

    I am so making those cookies, holy yum!!!! :)

  4. Thank you SO much for the freezer tips! I've got to try this, and now I have an excuse to go to my mothership, Macy's! :) I apprciate it.

    And btw - this dessert looks INSANE.

  5. oh wow...that cookie sounds AMAZING!


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