141.0 yesterday, 139.6 today…Shakira Shakira!

Sorry for being MIA but I have a good reason…..we got last minute tickets to the Shakira concert last night! Hubby had a hook up and we even got to check out the stage and backstage before the concert. Sweet!

Let’s rewind first…..Thursday night was Bunco and I had a blast as usual! Our host, Sheri, had a wonderful spread for us.

Cheese and crackers:

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Vino, of course:

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Delicious baked pasta, salad and garlic bread:

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My plate:

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I did go back for seconds. :) The best part?

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The chocolate cake! I may have also gone back for seconds here too. :) Check out her napkins: “Don’t drink & fly”. Hehehe. Sheri had the cutest Halloween decorations! Thanks again Sheri!

Friday morning I was excited to try something new that I found at Target:

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Dunkin Donuts PUMPKIN SPICE coffee! Can you say YUM!?! I spent a ton of time sniffing my coffee while I was driving the kiddos to school. It smells as good as it tastes. :)

For breakfast I had an egg beater sandwich with some swiss cheese, spinach and taco sauce on a sandwich thin:

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I didn’t like the addition of taco sauce on the sandwich….it was too messy. I’ll save it for egg burritos. After I took the kids to school, I went to both Cardio Muscle and Zumba classes.  While this is a normal Friday occurrence for me, I was absolutely spent afterwards. I think it’s because the Cardio Muscle instructor had me using the Bosu ball instead of the steps like everyone else was using. Me being “Animal-issa” had to keep up and really went balls to the walls in that class.

Hubby happened to be home for lunch and suggested we go to the Rancho Santa Fe Inn for lunch. Nice! I ordered a tuna sandwich with a side salad:

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The sandwich was really big but so was my appetite so I annilated it easily. We picked up my daughter from school and went to my son’s school for a little program they were putting on. Afterwards we took them to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins.

That’s when we found out that we had awesome Shakira tickets for that night. We came home to quickly get dressed and get the kids packed up to stay at their friends house. Everyone was excited for their Friday night plans. :)

I was really hungry again so I grabbed a quick peanut butter sandwich before we left:

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Sometimes I think of my stomach as a furnace that incinerates food immediately. That’s exactly what happened to this sandwich. I felt like I never ate anything at all.  We decided to grab something quick before the concert. Enter In N Out Burger:

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A beautiful Double Double. One of the best burgers on the planet. 

Then it was off to meet my husband’s “hook up” at the concert. He was part of the crew so we got the tour of the stage and backstage. My favorite…Shakira’s concert wardrobe:

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It was cool watching her during the concert appear in all these clothes!


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These pictures are not the best but you get the picture:

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What a great concert! Even though I was super tired from too much exercise, watching Shakira shake her booty and hips (she has some nice abs!) made me want to get my booty back into the gym….especially after the In N Out burger. :)

Have you been to any concerts lately?
