
It was a vino kind of night last night.

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Love the label. Too bad it doesn’t taste as good as I hoped. Oh well. You can’t win them all!

I tried another new recipe for dinner last night. I’m on a roll! This one was a Rachael Ray recipe for Mexican Lasagna. The recipe wasn’t written very well….it doesn’t say what size baking dish to use. I figured since the recipe said there were 4 servings, I’d use an 8x8 dish. Wrong. I couldn’t get all the filling into the pan so I saved the remaining filling for another meal. I squeezed as much as I could into the pan and baked it:

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Looks funny but it tasted good! And, by the way, it will serve way more than four people! I’m a big eater and all but let’s get real. :) I would definitely eat it again but at least now I know to use a bigger dish. 

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I sprinkled the top with green onions (again from my garden!) and had some refried beans and salsa on the side.

Breakfast this morning was Fage yogurt with Fiber One cereal and strawberries:

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I took the kids to school and went to Zumba. I came home to get cleaned up and made some lunch:

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I had a repeat lunch from the other day: quesadilla with sautéed spinach, green onions, zucchini all in a whole wheat tortilla smeared with a Laughing Cow Chipotle cheese wedge with some salsa on the side. I had some more of the roasted red pepper and tomato soup.

I had an hour before I had to pick up my daughter so I decided to go to the Halloween store I went to last year and have a look around. I still haven’t decided what to be yet. I drove there and found out the store doesn’t exist anymore. Nice. Fortunately I brought my book along so I just read until it was time to pick her up.

We picked up my son after a quick trip to McDonald’s for a yogurt parfait. I came home and jumped into the shower….tonight is Bunco night! Yes! More Vino!

Are you dressing up for Halloween?

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  1. oh boo! I hate poorly written recipes. :( Glad you made it work though!

    I am dressing up... i'm no good but have no choice and must figure out something!


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