
I was really excited about last night’s dinner that I bought from Costco:

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Spicy tuna roll and spicy salmon rolls. I was happy!!!

Breakfast this morning was an egg beater & Swiss cheese sandwich on an English muffin with a side of strawberries and blackberries:

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After taking the kids to school, I went to Cardio Muscle class. I was going to go to Zumba but I decided I was too pooped to go. Sometimes when I go to both classes, it exhausts me for the rest of the day. Since we are going to our club tonight with some friends, I didn’t want to be super tired.

Amazingly, I found the energy to clean out my garage "pantry” storage. All of a sudden I was inspired to take everything out of it:

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And turn it into this:

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So much better. I am happy. I built up an appetite after all that. For lunch I heated up some leftover pasta and sauce and added some broccoli:

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I went to pick up the kids and now I’m getting packed up for tomorrow. We are all going to Los Angeles. The kids are going to hang out at my sister in law’s house and we are going to USC football game!

We are coming back on Sunday to get ready for our Halloween party that our club throws. You may not see me until Monday. Sniff Sniff.

What are your Halloween plans?

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  1. I recently organized my cabinets/drawers, too. SUCH an accomplished feeling!

  2. Great outdoor pantry!

    We have 3 Halloween parties, and Ava's first time trick or treating. Should be fun!

  3. Nice job on the pantry!

    Heart that you chose clubbing over a SECOND workout class - that's work/life balance - heart it! :)


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