139.8….Getting Lazy!

Last night’s dinner was lazy! Lazy Day Lasagna to be exact! I found the recipe here and it looked simple and something that my husband would like.

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It was easy and delicious! I had all the ingredients on hand except the ricotta cheese which I bought the other day. I sautéed some onions, zucchini and spinach to put on the side. Yum!

Breakfast this morning was another low fat waffle with Barney Butter and a side of cantaloupe. I’m loving this breakfast!

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I took the kids to school and then went to Zumba. Great class as usual! I was famished by the time I got to Subway for lunch:

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Turkey on wheat….the usual. :) Then it was a MUCH needed trip to Target. My basket was full by the time I was done. I put everything away and grabbed a snack:

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Kashi Honey Sunshine & Fiber One cereals with raspberries and almond milk. Yum! Then it was off to pick up my son from school. Came home, paid pills and now it’s time to make dinner. I’m outta here! :)

What’s for dinner tonight?


  1. We are having grilled salmon and veggies over whole wheat couscous. And cookies!

  2. Nice! Thanks for the recipe link - love it!

    I had slowcooker spaghetti - nom nom nom.


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