141.4…Three In A Row

I have eaten the last three meals at home. That is unusual. Normally I eat lunch out or sometimes dinner. Even tonight’s dinner will be at home. That makes four in a row!

Dinner last night was Burrito Pie leftovers.

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Almost as good as the first time.

Breakfast this morning was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Easy Granola, strawberries and raspberries.

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After dropping the kids off at school, I went to Cardio Muscle class. Now I’m stuck in my house waiting for a repairman. Don’t you hate that??

Lunch was a turkey sandwich and a salad. Half of my sandwich was almost finished before I remembered to take a picture. Oops!

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I think I’m going to take the kids to the pumpkin patch after school today. :)

Have you bought your pumpkins yet? 


  1. I eat so many meals in a row at home. Sometimes a whole week!


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