142.0…The Weekend In Review

As per usual, I ate a lot this past weekend. While it was fun, yes, I also feel a bit craptastic today and decided I needed to bring the healthier eats back in my life. They have strayed a bit lately and it’s time to welcome them back home. More on that in a moment. First, let’s get to the fun stuff.

Dinner Friday night wasn’t fun (for you at least). More spaghetti leftovers with salad.

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Saturday morning it was up and at ‘em. First up: breakfast.

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Toasted English muffin with peanut butter and a grapefruit. Then it was off to my son’s basketball game. I think he might have been the highest scoring kid on his team. Proud mom.

Lunch was Tio Leo’s afterwards. I ordered Pollo Asado tacos.

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It’s supposed to be healthier…comes on wheat tortillas with black beans and corn salad. I guess it would have been healthier if I hadn’t had a ton of chips beforehand.

We drove to Pelican Hills Hotel in Newport Beach where we had planned to spend the night. Our friend, Seth,  came with his wife and kids and spent the day at the pool with us. We had a little kitchen in our hotel room so he offered to make dinner for us. Sweet! I love it when someone else cooks for me!

Seth made an amazing pasta sauce in which he served over penne.

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Missing from the photo were chicken sausages, salad and garlic bread. Everything was incredible!

The next morning we left early and headed to Calabasas for my nephew’s 4th birthday party. Yeah for having salad for the adults at the party! It prevented me from eating bagels and pizza.

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It did not, however, prevent me from eating tons of chips and dip when we got back to my brother in law’s house. Oh well, can’t win them all.

Dinner was Woodranch BBQ. Yes, we had it last weekend too. I don’t care, it’s amazing. 

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Salad, tri tip and (mind blowing) mac & cheese.

After dinner, it was time to head home.

This morning a new day began. Things need to change a bit so I can still fit in my clothes. :)

It started with a healthy breakfast. Scrambled egg beaters, salsa, shredded cheese and a grapefruit.

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After taking the kids to school, I went to the gym for my favorite class: Cardio Muscle. I.am.going.to.be.sore.tomorrow.

After class, I changed, got my nails done and went next door for lunch at Luna Grill.

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Greek salad with a chicken kabob. I even told them to hold the pita. That was hard.

So far so good on my quest to get back to healthy eats!

Have your healthy eating habits slipped lately?
