141.2…Home Maintenance

I can’t believe the weekend is already here! I guess that’s what happens when you have only a four day work week. Can’t all weeks be like this!?!

I cannot say my meals for the last 24 hours have been exciting but they all tasted good, at least!

Dinner last night was more spaghetti leftovers with salad.

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Breakfast this morning was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Special K granola, strawberries and blueberries.

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After taking the kids to school, I attended a special event at the school, then went grocery shopping.

The rest of my day was just as unexciting as my meals: I changed all the batteries in my smoke alarms and replaced all heating/AC filters. Exciting, huh?

Lunch was a turkey sandwich with carrots & ranch dressing.

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I’m off to the school again for another event and then it should be a quiet evening at home. We are going to Los Angeles (again!) this weekend for my nephew’s birthday party. Have a great weekend!

Do you change your smoke alarm batteries yearly?  
