141.4…Swap It

I defrosted a piece of the Mexican Lasagna and reheated it for my dinner Tuesday night.

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It froze pretty well. I don’t think it tasted much different than the piece I had last week that wasn’t frozen.

Yesterday’s breakfast was Trader Joe’s vanilla Greek yogurt, Cascadian Farms Peanut Butter Granola and strawberries.

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I took the kids to school and started to get ready for a party at my house later.

I had a quick lunch at Wahoo’s and then got right back to work.

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Every year I host a “Swap Party” at my house. You clean out your closets, bring all the clothes you don’t want anymore and “shop” through everyone else’s unwanted items. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?

Everyone also brings a hearty appetizer & a bottle of wine to share. Shopping, eating and wine….what more could you want!?! The appetizer I made is one of my favorites: Ham & Cheese Puff Pastry.

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Everyone started to arrive and the party got started!

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Time to shop!

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Let’s see how it looks….

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I thought it was easier to just pull my jeans down to try things on. Nice look, huh? :)

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For dessert, I made Lemon Bars!  Recipe coming…it’s a good one!

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Lisa made her famous brownies. Thank you Tami for being our brownie model!

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This is my fifth year doing the Swap Party and it’s such a success every year. It’s a good way to clean out your closets and get some free stuff to put back in it!

This morning’s breakfast was a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and a grapefruit.

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I dropped the kids off at school and volunteered there for a bit. Now I’m at Starbucks waiting for my next appointment.  Busy day today! Make it a good one!

Have you ever participated in any sort of “swap party”?


  1. Wow, can't believe its been a year since the last one! I wouldn't be able to swap because I don't own enough stuff - I only have four pairs of shoes, and one of those are flip flops! :D

    Happy Friday! Hope your Dad is continuing to get better. :D


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