141.4…Trying To Move On

First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for prayers and well wishes after the passing of my father. It’s been a rough week but with the love and support of friends and family, I have been able to take each day as it comes, knowing my dad is in a better place and is no longer suffering.

I spent several days at my mom’s house with her helping her get things done, attending the funeral and spending time with family. Yesterday was my last day there. For breakfast, I had toast with peanut butter and pineapple.

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After a teary goodbye, I drove back to San Diego. I didn’t have a ton of time for lunch, so I picked up Taco Bell on the way home.

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Bean burrito and chicken soft taco. 

I hopped in the shower and got ready for a “Progressive Dinner” with some other couples from our children’s school.

We stopped at the first house for appetizers. Check out these yummy dishes!

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It was hard not to eat it all….but I knew I had to save room for dinner. And I’m glad I did! Check out this gorgeous display!

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I enjoyed salmon in pastry with burre blanc, mixed vegetables and an onion & goat cheese gratin:

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Not only was everything elegant but delicious too! Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you drive to the next house for dessert. Prepare to be amazed.

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Have you ever seen such an amazing display of desserts!?! I could have stared at it all night! I made an ice cream sundae in the waffle bowl and topped it with chocolate and caramel sauces.  Then I went home and fell asleep in a sugar coma. :)

Monday morning always comes too quick. After last night’s giant meal, I wasn’t super hungry for breakfast…and since I knew I was going out to lunch, I decided to have a small breakfast of Peanut Butter Cheerios and almond milk.

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After I took the kids to school, I went to Cardio Muscle class.

Lunch today was our 4th installment in our “Burger Crawl” around San Diego. Our first stop was The Habit, second was Smashburger with the third stop being The Counter. Today’s burger joint was Burger Lounge!

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Burger Lounge featured single-source grass fed beef, uses local produce and the burgers are made fresh to order.

I choose the Lounge Burger (organic white cheddar cheese, onion, lettuce, tomato and house-made 1000 island dressing).

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Best burger yet of any of our “Burger Crawl” stops. The burger was grilled medium and was extremely flavorful. There was nothing about this burger that I didn’t like.

You know what else rocked?

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Their fries and onion rings. I split these with Alicia…glad I did…big serving!

I definitely give Burger Lounge two thumbs up!

Favorite burger joint where you live?


  1. I'm so sorry for hear about your Father. I'm sure you've heard this a million times but he at peace now and not suffering which is a blessing. You are so strong and obviously such a wonderful daughter for being there for him and your Mom. You're in my thoughts!

  2. My Dad died when I was 32, he was only 59 years old. I know its hard at first, and the tears come quick, but after a while, the smiles and laughter return thinking back of him.

    My brother and sister will talk and say "remember when Dad wanted to become a chef and he made crepes Suzette seven days in a row?!"

    Sending hugs your way - I am on vacation, but just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. :D


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