141.2…Spring Cleaning

It happens around this time every year. I get in the mood to get organize, get rid of stuff and try to use up the stuff I have instead of buying new. Spring Cleaning has begun!

Part of my cleaning frenzy is to try and use up what food I have in my pantry, freezer, etc. I had leftovers of pasta and salad in the fridge last night and decided that that would be a great place to start.

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This morning’s breakfast was pineapple Chobani, Special K granola (last box of granola from the pantry!), strawberries and blueberries.

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After I took the kids to school, I went to the gym for an hour of cardio and weights. Afterwards I cleaned out part of my garage. It’s been a project I’ve been putting off forever and decided today was a good day to do it!

Lunch was a tuna sandwich and the last of the leftover salad.

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I’ve spent the last couple of days putting the kids’ school artwork/keepsakes in scrapbooks. Not an easy task when you haven’t done it in a couple of years!

What spring cleaning tasks are you working on? 


  1. My house is pretty much "company worthy" at all times, even though no one ever comes over - ha!

    But I have a desk in my basement that just becomes a catch all - its so awful, but I know once I start I'll have to keep going!


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