138.2…A Full Week

After all my eats this past weekend, by the time I got home last night, I was not hungry for dinner at all. I unpacked, hung out with the kiddos and went straight to bed.

This morning’s breakfast was a Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Thin with homemade peanut butter and strawberries.

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I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. The instructor taught her last class of the summer this morning. I’m sad because it’s my favorite class and I’m ALWAYS sore after each class. It will be replaced by another instructor teaching a Core Fusion Fit class until the Cardio Muscle resumes in the fall. It will be fun to try a new class though!

Lunch was a salami sandwich on rye bread with lots of orange veggies and Jalapeno Yogurt Dip.

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I’m trying to use up the stuff in my refrigerator this week. We are not going to be home a ton for the next week or so so it needs to disappear. Last night I was looking at my calendar for the week and I didn’t realize how crazy it was!

Monday: Go to Los Angeles for Stanley Cup Game

Tuesday: Bunco

Wednesday: Go to Los Angeles for my brother’s law firm anniversary party

Thursday: Event in daughter’s class; dinner with friends

Friday: Event in daughter & son’s class (last day of school); Go to Orange County for a friend’s birthday dinner

Saturday: Leave with the kids for Mexico for 4 nights

Wow. Sometime in between there I need to pay bills, pack and get other stuff ready for the trip. Wish me luck!

Don’t forget to enter the GIVEAWAY for a coupon for Land O Lakes Butter with Olive Oil & Sea Salt. All you need to do is tell me your favorite recipe to use with butter on this post! I will randomly draw a winner this Wednesday, June 13th at 9:00AM PST.
