139.4…Pleasing Pinnacle & Giveaway Winner

Greetings from the Los Angeles bound Amtrak train! Blogging from a moving vehicle is fun! :)

Last night was Bunco at my friend Diana’s house. As soon as I arrived, I was greeted with this beautiful site:

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Pinnacle Whipped Vodka and Champagne together is what dreams are made of.

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Happy girl.

And if things couldn’t get any better, they did. Appetizers galore!

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Diana had a makeup artist and a photographer there so we could all be beautified and take photos. Her backyard was the perfect spot to enjoy some cocktails and to catch up with friends.  I was so busy enjoying my cocktail and catching up with friends that I never made it to the makeup artist. Whoops!

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Dinner was served and we all enjoyed our meal inside. Diana’s husband was the chef of the evening and he prepared quite a spread!

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Thai chicken, rice, couscous and shrimp lettuce wraps. 

Check out the mini fruit tarts for dessert!

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They were in mini graham cracker cups with tiny spoons. Love!! 

After dinner we headed back outside for some group shots around Diana’s pool. I can’t wait to see the pictures! I was able to snag a couple of shots with some friends.

Lisa and I:

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Annette and I:

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Cathi and I:

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Thank you so much Diana for a fabulous evening! Everything was perfect!

What wasn’t perfect was having to get up early this morning and get going. This week is crazy!

Breakfast was simple: Dulce de Leche Cheerios, almond milk and strawberries.

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I dropped the kids at school and came home to packed for Los Angeles. Tonight is my brother’s law firm party so I’m headed there now. I didn’t have time for a real lunch so I packed up a peanut butter sandwich and headed over to my daughter’s class for an end of the year celebration.

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After the celebration, I headed to the train station. I’m staying with my parents tonight and will be coming back on the train tomorrow morning. 

*As promised, here is the giveaway winner for the Land O Lakes Butter with Olive Oil & Sea Salt Coupon: MegQuinn! Please send me your mailing information and I’ll get that right out to you.

Do you take public transportation often where you live? For me, only the train. Public transportation isn’t super common in San Diego…especially where I live.


  1. I actually took public transportation to Chicago yesterday for the first time in a long time. I was surprised that my round trip ticket on the train to Chicago was $13.50 and a bus ride was $2.25!

    Have fun with the rents!


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