137.0…Food Kicks

Not to keep teasing, but last night I had leftovers of the recipe I’ll be sharing with you on Sunday for dinner last night.

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It was fabulous. Ok, I’ll stop teasing you.

I really enjoyed this morning’s breakfast.

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Half a bagel with Teddie Super Chunky peanut butter (best peanut butter ever!) and watermelon. I really love bagels. 

I took the kids to school then went straight to gym. Half hour on the treadmill and another half hour on the elliptical and I was done.

Before leaving for my nail appointment, I snacked on some Wheat Thins and Babybel Light cheese.

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Check out the crazy sparkly nail polish I got:

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I went to an event at my son’s class and a little girl there keep holding my hand and telling me how pretty my nails were. :)

Before that event, I stopped at Subway for lunch.

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I had the roasted chicken sandwich with my normal boat load of buffalo hot sauce but this time I added avocado. Good move!

I haven’t been to Subway in SO long!! Remember when I was going there a few times a week? Sometimes I get on food kicks where I want a certain food over and over again until I’m sick of it. Does that ever happen to you? One time I was on an egg kick….I must have gone through more than a dozen eggs a week easily. I wonder what my cholesterol was back then!?!

My daughter is going into kindergarten in the fall. Today they had a “kindergarten play date” at the school which we attended. After all the events at the school today, I was ready to come home!

Tomorrow I leave for San Francisco with some college friends. I need to finish packing and make dinner! I’m going to try and blog from the airport tomorrow morning. I love me some free Wi-Fi. :)

Do you ever get on “Food Kicks”?


  1. I don't get on food kicks so much but when I'm trying to perfect a dish that I really loved when I made it the first time. I never wrote down how much of what it was that I put in it so I make the dish over and over until I get it right.

  2. I love that nail color, so cool! I go through phases with food and go all out on something and then stop for awhile. Yogurt is one, cheese, and smoothies too.


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