
I cannot believe what a beautiful day it is here in San Diego! Wow!

I made a recipe last night from my most recent cooking class at Great News: Spicy Orange Sesame Chicken Noodles with Sugar Snap Peas:

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I’ll post the recipe later in the week. All I can say is it was a huge hit!!

Dessert was a waffle with Peanut Butter & Co’s Dark Chocolate Dreams:

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This morning I was feeling eggs…just plain and simple.

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I made some scrambled eggs with egg beaters topped with a little shredded cheddar cheese and a side of salsa. I also had a bowl of cantaloupe and pineapple.

After breakfast I went to spin class. I’m feeling a little under the weather (again!) so I struggled a bit but I’m glad I went.

Lunch was a random salad of leftovers:

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Leftover chicken & couscous from  Wednesday night’s dinner along with mixed greens, tomatoes, red bell peppers, red onion, cucumbers, carrots, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

I took the kids to a birthday party. I managed to only eat a few bites of cake (I LOVE birthday cake) and a few M&M’s.

Hubby and I are going to dinner tonight in La Jolla. I think we are going to Piatti’s. They have this unbelievable olive oil dip for their bread…it blows my mind how good it is. Carbs….you are going to kill me!

Bread Basket: Do you indulge or avoid it?


  1. I managed to eat only a few bites of cake (aka "frosting") at a birthday party today also. Which is saying a lot, since I usually like to have 2-3 pieces!

    I usually will have some bread if it's unique and/or warm. If it's plain white rolls with butter I'll skip it. Mastros pretzel bread is my all time favorite!

  2. I cannot wait for that Spicy Orange Chicken Noodle Bowl recipe! YUM!!

    I'm a sucker for the bread basket. I cannot say no!

  3. Mo....I totally agree on the bread. I have had that pretzel bread and it is pretty amazing. :)

  4. Melissa!!!!!!!!!!! Guess where I went for lunch!!!

    I'll give you a hint. I'm no longer going to be whining that you show too many photos from this restaurant. and yes. I drove 2.5 hours to get there.

    ahhh mazing! <3 haha I just had to share =)

  5. i usually take one roll and stop there!

  6. Yum! The new recipe looks great! I try to avoid it.. but typically end up indulging anyway. If I go to a restaurant hungry I spoil my meal with the basket!


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