
Happy New Year!! I cannot believe it’s January 1st!

Last night I had some wine while getting ready for our New Year’s Eve dinner:

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Hubby and I at our club:

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My friend Alicia & I….otherwise known as the sparkle twins:

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We sat at a table with like 25 other people. Check out how long our table was!

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There was plenty of wine and bubbly:

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Our dinner started with a mushroom bisque:

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Followed by a salad:

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The main course was a beef tenderloin and lobster tail:

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YUM!! :) Dessert was some sort of rich, chocolate thing with a crispy thing and some ice cream type thing. Like my description? :)

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We made it until midnight and then called it a night! I can’t remember the last time I stayed up until midnight on New Year’s Eve. :)

Breakfast this morning was almond butter on a wheat waffle with an apple:

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I took a shower and ran to the grocery store to load up on fresh produce. I picked up some turkey sandwiches for hubby and I for lunch. I added some grapes to mine:

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We had some friends stop by so we hung out with them for a bit. 

For dinner, I marinated some chicken breasts in the rest of the sauce I used for the Christmas beef wellingtons that I had frozen. I made some wild rice and peas as well:

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One more day of relaxing before school and all the usual craziness starts again!

Did you make healthy choices today? 

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  1. delish! Looks like you had a great time! That table is ginormous!!!! ohmygosh! =)

    I ate pretty healthy today... minus the croissant I snuck for my hangover/breakfast ;)

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. You looked gorgeous, M!
    Delicious eats as usual.
    Loved your dessert description, btw... Hahaha.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year!

    I did pretty good yesterday - minus the pancakes for breakfast. (Oh, and the wine in the evening, but I consider red wine very healthy.)


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