139.8…Beef Tagine with Butternut Squash with Scallion Couscous

I’m on a recipe roll! Last night I tried a recipe from the recent issue of Cooking Light magazine for Beef Tagine with Butternut Squash with Scallion Couscous.

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You can find the recipe for Beef Tagine here. As for the Scallion Couscous, here you go:

Scallion Couscous:

Bring 3/4 cup chicken broth and 1/2 cup water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Gradually stir in 1 cup uncooked couscous. Remove from heat, cover at let stand 5 minutes. Fluff couscous with a fork. Stir in 1/3 cup chopped green onions. 4 servings.

Another winner! Such a unique dish with complex flavors. Loved it! I made it exactly as written except I simmered it longer. 15 minutes is not enough to soften the squash.

For dessert I had a couple of these babies that I picked up at Trader Joe’s:

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Very addictive.

The last two mornings I’ve set my alarm for 6AM and been out cold asleep both times when the alarm goes off. AND the same song (Pink’s “Raise Your Glass”) has been playing BOTH times. Weird.

Breakfast was a whole wheat waffle with peanut butter and an orange:

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Today was one of those crazy days where every moment of your day is planned out. After taking the kids to school, I went on a quick 2 mile run with a little hill walking thrown in. After changing, I grabbed an apple to eat in the car:

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I volunteered to help out at my son’s school this morning. Afterwards, I had to pick up my daughter’s birthday cake (her party is this Sunday), run into Costco AGAIN to get food for said party and run home to unload it all.

I knew I would be spending the rest of the day out,  so I packed some lunch/snacks:

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I ended up eating the tortilla wrap with Better N Peanut Butter, the grapes and cherries.

I picked up my daughter and we went to another event at my son’s school. From there it was to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party. I had a couple of plates of salad from the salad bar while I was there.

When we got home it was time for a quick dinner. I just re-heated some Beef Tagine. No need for a picture….it looks just like the one above. It may have tasted even better tonight. :)

Where was your favorite place as a child to have your birthday party or go to birthday parties?


  1. You're so healthy! I flipping love it!

    ooh its snowing! tty soon!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons


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