
When we last left off, I was about to pick up the kiddos from camp. I had one of these along the way:

This flavor (Dark Chocolate Almond) is my favorite. I took my son to get a hair cut and then came home to fix dinner. I decided to put some of the Greek Tomato Salsa that I made on one of Trader Joe's Mediterranean Flat breads and broil it. I then put that on a bed of mixed greens drizzled with balsamic vinegar:

Amazing. There were no words.
A bit later I had some Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal with almond milk for dessert:

I then went over to Lisa's house to watch the Bachelorette. What a boring episode! I was able to unload a lot of my barbeque leftovers there though. :)
Breakfast this morning was Fage yogurt with Fiber One cereal and strawberries:

I took the kids to camp and made my way over to Great News for a cooking class. Today's class was Grilled Appetizer Party.

The two recipes on this first plate were Pesto & Shrimp Grilled Pizzas (on the left) and Grilled Polenta Triangles with Gorgonzola & Walnuts:

The pizzas were excellent! You could put so many different toppings/sauces on them! I was not a fan of the polenta triangles. Maybe the gorgonzola threw me off?

The next two recipes were Grilled Steak Lavosh Rolls with Arugula, Goat Cheese and Pepper Strips (on the left) and Bruschetta with Prosciutto and Grilled Vegetables:

Loved the steak rolls!!! Delicious! The bruschetta was also yummy! I love that you can change the toppings for each of these recipes almost any way you want!

Last was Pork Satay with Peanut Sauce and Cucumber Salad:

Fabulous! This would also be great with chicken or shrimp!

After class, I ran to Costco to grab a few things and stopped by World Market. I don't go there very often and I'm not sure why....what a unique store!!! I bought a giant martini glass to serve as a serving dish. I can't wait to use it! I picked up the kids from camp and came home. I threw a few loads of laundry in and then went on a walk with Lisa and Cathi.

When I got home, I made another batch of Emerile's Pico de Gallo to go with some leftovers that I pulled out of the freezer: Turkey Tamale Pie:

Muy delicioso!!!!

Dessert was a Monster cookie:

My.....these are good. :)

That's all she wrote.
Is there a vegetable that you refuse to eat? I really don't like hearts of palm...what are those anyway?


  1. I can't stand water chestnuts...but, are they a vegetable? I think so.


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