
Today is my 7th Wedding Anniversary!!! I can't believe it's already been 7 years! I love you hubby!!

Last night I decided to have a glass of wine while I attempted to re-create my hubby's favorite meal at Il Fornaio:

Behold: Il Foranio's Conchiglie al Pollo:

Shell pasta, chicken breast, broccoli, sun-dried tomatoes, pecorino cheese, roasted garlic and cream sherry. Hubby loved it and said it tasted perfect! I think I need to tweak a couple of things and then I'll post the recipe.

This morning's breakfast was Fage yogurt with Fiber One cereal, strawberries & blackberries:

After taking the kids to camp, I went to both Cardio Muscle and Zumba classes. I got my butt handed to me today. I'm going to be super sore tomorrow for sure.

I was famished when I got home. I made a salad beast of mixed greens, spinach, red bell pepper, red onion, cucumber, tomatoes and tuna all tossed with balsamic vinaigrette:

I paid bills and then picked up the kids from camp. Now it's almost time for me to get ready for our anniversary dinner. I decided to go to Firenze (big surprise)...I just love it so!

What is your very favorite restaurant where you live?


  1. aw congratulations!! The dinner looks great, too - can't wait for you to post the recipe! My favorite (fancy) restaurant is probably Pampas or Lobster Bar!

  2. Happy anniversary! It looks like you did a spectacular job recreating your hub's favorite dish.

    My favorite restaurant in Scottsdale is Pure Sushi. Love the atmosphere, and of course, to die for sushi.

  3. Happy anniversary!

    My favorite restaurant: La Belle Vie in Minneapolis

  4. Happy Belated Anniversary! The picture is gorgeous! You're gorgeous and your dress too! The pasta dish sounds insanely good! My favorite restaurant right now is Panera...sad but true...it seems like every time I find a favorite it closes or they get a new chef and the food doesn't taste the same.


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