145.4…The Celebrations Continue

The celebrations continued on Sunday night at Dina’s annual holiday party.

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This party is always a potluck and I look forward to everyone’s dishes each year. This year I brought Mini Mac and Cheese Bites (recipe to come).

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Hard to resist. :)

Actually, everything was hard to resist!

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After I had my fill of everyone’s appetizers,  I moved on to dessert.

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Insane. When does my diet start again?

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Thank you Dina for another fabulous holiday party! I’m already looking forward to next year’s!

Breakfast yesterday morning was toast with peanut butter and half a grapefruit.

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Yesterday was my most favorite day of the year: MY BIRTHDAY! Anyone who knows me knows….I LOVE my birthday.

Some of my friends took me out to brunch at Snooze. I’m in love with this place!

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I ordered the best breakfast ever: Upstream Benny (honey smoked salmon tossed with cucumber and corn salsa and served over jalapeno-cream cheese spoonbread, topped with poached Niman Ranch eggs and cream cheese hollandaise).

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Basically party in my mouth. I will think about this dish for a long time to come. Who’s birthday is next!?!

If that wasn’t decadent enough, my “birthday cake” pancake arrived complete with a candle.

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After brunch, we went to see The Hunger Games which was fabulous. I read all the books and saw the first movie so I was pretty excited to see this one. It did not disappoint.

The rest of my birthday was spent picking the kids up from school, going to my son’s basketball practice and then to dinner at Casa Sol y Mar. I ordered the Chicken & Guacamole Enchiladas.

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It was just ok. This was the second time I had been there and I didn’t really care for it the first time. I always like to give places a second chance…too bad the second impression didn’t like up to par.

Breakfast this morning was scrambled egg beaters with green onions, salsa, turkey and cheddar cheese.

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I dropped the kids off at school, went to spin class then helped my friend move for a few hours. We stopped at Chipotle for lunch. I had the chicken bowl with brown rice, black beans, salsa, guacamole, lettuce and lots of hot sauce.

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I’m off to pick up the kids from school now and I’m ready to spend a quiet night at home, free of celebrations. :)

Are you done with your holiday shopping? I am and all gifts are wrapped!
