144.2…Honey Roasted Carrots

Remember when I made the Chicken Scallopini and my husband declared it one of the best meals ever? The chicken was awesome itself but the Honey Roasted Carrots that I served with it, put it over the top.

December 2013 309

Honey Roasted Carrots (Serves 4)

Original Recipe: AllRecipes.com


  • 8 carrots, peeled (I used a bunch of baby carrots)

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1/4 cup honey

  • salt and ground black pepper to taste


  1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Place the whole carrots into a baking dish, and drizzle with olive oil. Mix until the carrots are completely covered with olive oil. Pour on the honey, then season to taste with salt and pepper; mix until evenly coated.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven until just tender, or cooked to your desired degree of doneness, 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Printable Recipe

December 2013 312

I’m sure you’re tired of seeing this but my dinner last night was Beef and Mushroom Ragu with Fettuccine.

December 2013 412

It’s almost gone now so you don’t have to see it again for awhile. :) I served it with a Caesar salad.

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Breakfast this morning was toast with peanut butter and half of a grapefruit.

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I took the kids to school, then got my nails done followed by lunch at Luna Grill.

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Standard order: Greek salad with chicken kabob. Lisa and Dina came with me to lunch today. Lisa gave me the salad that comes with her chicken. Extra is always good!

Tonight is my birthday dinner with my friends. I’m really looking forward to it!

Any other good carrot recipes? I have a huge bag of baby carrots from Costco and need something to do with them!


  1. Happy Birthday! Have fun.

    This has been on my pinterest board for way too long - let me know if you make it!



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