142.4…Holiday Lunching & Shopping

There were only smiles in my house last night. This is because it was taco night.

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I don’t do anything special. Brown some ground beef, add a packet of taco seasoning and you’re done. Happy family.

Breakfast this morning was scrambled egg beaters, salsa, green onions, turkey and cheddar cheese.

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I took the kids to school then got ready for an event that my friend Lauren help put on at our community center. There was lunch and plenty of boutiques for some holiday shopping.

Lauren did all the table centerpieces and they were gorgeous!

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After we enjoyed some shopping, it was time for lunch. There was some amazing toffee on the table…..Lisa and I had to dig in right away!

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Lunch was a buffet of several salads, salmon and chicken. Here’s plate #1:

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Followed by plate #2:

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The food was delicious!!!!! 

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Yes, I photo-bombed that photo. Hehehehe!!!!

Congrats Lauren on a fabulous event! Here’s to next year!

Are you finished with your holiday shopping yet? I’m almost done!


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