
I don’t normally repeat recipes very often. If I do, it’s because it’s a family favorite. When I do repeat a recipe, it’s not normally shortly after I made it the last time. Well….times have changed. I made the Beef and Mushroom Ragu with Fettuccine again on Tuesday night. Twice in a matter of a few weeks.

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It’s that good.

Breakfast yesterday was vanilla Chobani yogurt, Easy Granola, strawberries and raspberries.

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I took the kids to school and went with my son on his class field trip to Old Town. We spent the day there learning about how San Diego got its start. Lunch was a bagel with cream cheese, carrots, veggie sticks and an apple.

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Dinner last night was Creamy Macaroni and Cheese leftovers and broccoli. A little healthy, a little unhealthy. :)

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Breakfast this morning was the usual scrambled egg beaters. I find this breakfast keeps me fuller longer than any other.

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After dropping the kids off at school, I ran some errands, went to an appointment, then stopped for lunch at Rubio’s. I’m not a big fan of Rubio’s but I had a free lunch for my birthday (it’s on Monday but feel free to start celebrating now). I chose the Chopped Salad with Chicken.

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It was just ok. It was a big bowl of food which I like and the calories for it were low…..400 something. I added a bunch of hot salsa to it which made it better. 

What’s your favorite show on TV right now?
