140.6…Burger Night Is Back

It’s been awhile but “Burger Night” at our club returned to my life last night.

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I went a bit different this time. Instead of my normal beef burger, I chose the salmon burger this time. You know…trying to be healthy and all. :)  For my toppings, I chose pesto aioli, tomato, red onion and arugula. Great burger! My side choice was sweet potato fries. They were epic.

Today’s breakfast choice was Trader Joe’s vanilla Greek yogurt, Coconut-Sour Cherry Granola, strawberries and raspberries.

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After I took the kids to school, I went to Cardio Muscle class. I ran a bunch of errands and stopped at Jersey Mike’s for lunch. Mini turkey & provolone, “Mike’s Way” with hot pepper spread and a side of jalapeno kettle chips.

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When I was there, a man was asked if he wanted his sandwich “Mike’s Way.” He replied, “No! I want it MY way!”. That’s how I feel about life, dude.

Bachelor Finale on tonight! Who’s he going to pick!?! 


  1. I haven't been watching the Bachelor, but we've been watching the spoof of that how called Burning Love. We DVR it so I don't know what channel its on, but since you watch The Bachelor, you would think it's funny!


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