138.2…B.Y.O.H.S (Bring Your Own Hot Sauce)

Tuesday night was a lazy sort of night. Those are the times when I’m glad to have stuff like this in my freezer:

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Awhile back I received a bunch of free coupons for Michael Angelo’s frozen meals. So far we have liked the ones we’ve tried. I was excited to try the Chicken Alfredo. I followed the microwave instructions, made a salad and boom! Dinner was done.

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We actually enjoyed it…even my picky husband! So far so good on Michael Angelo’s frozen meals!

Wednesday morning’s breakfast was pineapple Chobani, Coconut-Sour Cherry Granola and strawberries.

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I took the kids to school, attended an event in my daughter’s class and then ran some errands. I stopped at Wahoo’s for lunch. But…hold your horses….I did NOT order the fish tacos!!! I felt like something else! I ordered a salad!

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Wahoo’s salad with spicy fish. It was pretty darn good. I used their cilantro sauce for my dressing and it was fabulous. They claim their cilantro dressing is fat free but I just don’t see how! It’s SO good!

I attended a meeting at the school and brought the kids home. I took my son to basketball try-outs. He did such a good job….I was a very proud mom!

Later that night, I met my friends over at Lisa’s house to start preparing for an upcoming charity luncheon. There were a ton of decorations to work on so everyone brought over some food and we got cracking.

Lisa made chicken, brown rice and broccoli.

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Now…Lisa and I are about as opposite in spicy food as possible. I can’t get it hot enough and she thinks mashed potatoes are spicy. I knew what I had to do.

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B.Y.O.H.S. Bring Your Own Hot Sauce. I thought Sriracha would be perfect. This is not the first time I have traveled with hot sauce. I actually keep a mini bottle of Cholula in my car. You know….in case of emergencies.

Breakfast this morning was scrambled egg beaters with salsa, pico de gallo, broccoli, avocado and shredded cheddar cheese.

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After I dropped the kids off at school, I volunteered for a bit then drove to Los Angeles to visit my parents. I picked up Corner Bakery for lunch. I ordered the Trio with tuna salad, southwestern avocado wedge and Caesar salad.

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Their tuna salad is especially good! Yum!

Do you or have you ever “traveled” with hot sauce?


  1. It's so funny you mention Michael Angelo's I've bought a few for my boyfriend to keep at his office for dinner if he's there late and he really like them! They make a yummy eggplant parm and veggie lasagna!

  2. I brought back 4 different kinds of Siracha from bangkok last week! Si guess I BYOHS!


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