139.0…Carb Crazy

Carbs. That is basically all I ate while we were in Big Bear. Saturday’s lunch was a bowl of carbs (aka the spaghetti and marinara I made the night before).

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While everyone was out skiing, I started making dinner for everyone. I kept it really basic. My Favorite Chili and a baked potato bar. Comfort food heaven.

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Yes….I like onions.

Breakfast Sunday morning was round carbs with cheese.

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We packed up and took the kids sledding and then stopped at Maggio’s for lunch.

Look we all ate some lettuce!

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And then more cheesy carbs! Pizza! We all split two pizzas: BBQ chicken and regular cheese.

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By the time I got home, I knew I needed a big salad in my life. My wish was granted. We picked up Karl Strauss for dinner and I had the Mediterranean salad.

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It was all I could ever wish for.

This morning was a bowl of protein! I microwaved some egg beaters, broccoli and cheddar cheese together in a mug.

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Not pretty but it was tasty! No, I did not pick up Starbucks this morning. It was leftover from tea I had yesterday. I like to re-use their cups. 

I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. After class I met some of my friends at the mall to run some errands. We stopped at Nordstrom for lunch.  I ordered the Chicken, Artichoke and Goat Cheese salad.

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I really enjoyed it! Afterwards I went to an event in my son’s class, got groceries and picked the kids up from school.

Tonight I’m rolling solo for dinner tonight so I will probably whip up something easy….and without carbs. :)

Do you love carbs like me?
