140.6…The Final Rose

The final rose was given out last night on The Bachelor.

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We ended our Monday night Bachelor viewing parties at Lisa’s house last night with the best one of them all!

There were roses everywhere. Appetizers aplenty….

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And a delicious drink that Lisa invented called, “The Final Rose.”

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The Final Rose

Courtesy: Best Pal Lisa

Two parts cranberry juice cocktail

One part vodka

One part St. Germain

Shake with ice in shaker, pour into red or clear martini glasses rimmed with red sugar. Enjoy!

Optional: garnish with a floating red rose petal (Yes, they are edible!)

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I enjoyed my “Final Rose” with lots of delicious treats.

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I had heard before the show who Sean was going to pick so it wasn’t a surprise to me that he chose Catherine. After Ashlee (my favorite) left the show, it didn’t matter to me who won. I just enjoyed watching it with my friends. Sad the season is over!

Breakfast this morning was a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and strawberries.

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I took the kids to school and then went to my nail appointment.

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So many colors, so little time.

Lunch was a Greek salad with a chicken kabob from Luna Grill.

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Best. chicken. ever.

Tonight is Bunco and it’s a St. Patrick’s Day theme! Bring on your green!

What is your signature cocktail?  Wine for me. Duh.


  1. I think I am the only one who thinks Catherine might not be ready for marriage...but I guess we'll see!


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