141.6…Burger Night & Lunch with the Ladies

Last night we decided to take the kiddos to a club nearby for dinner. Every Sunday they do “Burger Night.” I was ready for a good burger! When we were seated we were handed a menu where you can build your own burger. You check off what kind of meat you want, the toppings and sides. Love the personalization!

I chose a turkey burger with jalapeno Jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion and chipotle aioli with a side of onion rings.

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They know how to make a good burger. Both my husband and I were impressed. I told him we should make Burger Night a weekly occurrence.

Since we were on a roll, we decided to try dessert. Chocolate Lava Cake:

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They overcooked the cake but it still tasted great!

This morning’s breakfast was pineapple Chobani, Cascadian Farms granola, and the last of the strawberries and raspberries.

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I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. After last week’s class, I was SO SORE for days! Friday was the first day I felt like I could walk normally. I told the instructor to never take the summer off again, my body can’t handle it. :) I was a bit nervous for today’s class but it turned out ok. It wasn’t as hard as last week but it was still hard. I won’t be as sore but I will still be sore.

After class, I went to the grocery store and came home to change for lunch. I met my friends at Urban Plates for lunch. I love this place. Everything is so fresh and the prices are very reasonable. Today I ordered the Grilled Wild Ono Nicoise Salad (lettuce blend, grilled wild ono, organic hard boiled cage-free egg, organic tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, capers, marinated olives, mustard caper champagne vinaigrette):

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The bread that comes with it is amazing. Lisa didn’t want hers so I took it because I figured someone would want it. I put it on Dina’s plate and she ate it…I don’t even know if she saw me put it there! Hope you enjoyed it Dina! :)

I need to pick up the kids soon and get ready for Bunco tonight. Tonight’s theme is a good one…can’t wait to share pictures with you!

What was the best thing you ate all weekend?


  1. The peach muffins I made Sunday morning on a whim - googled "easy peach muffin" and went with it - SLATHERED in butter. Mmm.

  2. @PrairieMom
    Mmmmm...Sounds really good! Love it when things like that turn out well!


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