135.8…Steak, Sushi and Much More

I have so many delicious meals to talk about! It all started Wednesday night. My husband and I took some friends out to dinner at Mastro’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills to say goodbye before they move to Nashville. I ordered a glass of Cabernet while we waited for them to arrive. Then the yumminess began.

To start I ordered the Wedge Salad.

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I actually announced while eating this: “I wish I could eat this forever.” The bacon was so delicious….it took all my might not to finish this salad. It was big and I knew there were other delicious items on their way.

We shared a ton (too many) of sides starting with a gigantic bowl of French fries.

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Amazing creamed spinach:

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More amazing creamed corn:

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And the ultimate of sides: Gorgonzola Mac & Cheese:

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I could have just eaten that for dinner.  But no…there was fabulous steak to be had! Fortunately I split one with my husband or it was possible I could have exploded.

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The lone French fry.

And no. We did not stop there.

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Mastro’s famous Butter Cake. This thing is insane. Insane, I tell you!  Let’s just say I slept like a champ that night. :)

Yesterday morning’s breakfast was simple. After the meal the night before, I didn’t need a big breakfast. Toasted English muffin with butter.

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I drove back to San Diego and met Lisa and Annette at Luna Grill for lunch. I ordered the Greek salad with chicken kabob.

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Afterwards I got my nails done and came home to get ready for a Hale Bob fashion show at our club with all my girl friends. We sipped champagne, snacked on some cheese and watched an exciting fashion show for the Hale Bob fall line. I didn’t take any pictures but here’s one my friend Annette took of Dina, Lisa, Lauren and I.


I did not eat enough last night so I was pretty hungry when I woke up this morning. I opted for a breakfast sandwich made of egg beaters, low fat Swiss cheese and a toasted wheat English muffin.

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I took the kids to school, did some volunteering there for a bit and then met some friends at Love Boat sushi for lunch. I was SO excited. I love that place!

I had a couple pieces of both yellow tail and tuna sushi.

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I also ordered my favorite roll: Wasabi Roll.

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If you have any sinus issues, this is the roll for you. It will clear them right up.

I ran some errands afterwards and then picked up the kids from school. Tonight we are taking them to meet some friends to watch a local high school’s football game. This is something I haven’t done before…should be fun! Enjoy your evening!

Any fun plans for the weekend?


  1. So true about spicy clearing up the sinuses...lol! Hot & sour soup is great too.

  2. Yep, a wedge salad is perfection!

    My step-son played high school football, so for 4 years in a row, every Friday night in the fall, that's where you would find us. We haven't been to game since he graduated in 2008!


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