137.4…The Bread Strikes Again

Every time I went into the kitchen, I’d see that bread. That wonderful, delicious bread that I took home from my cooking class at Barbeques Galore. Every now and then, I’d pick it up and could smell its wonderful aroma seeping out of the plastic wrap covering it. I knew it had to be dinner.

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Yes….a piece of bread was my dinner. Bread that large should be on its own. I shudder to think how many calories that huge chunk of goodness has.

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I tried to make myself feel better and ate a big salad with it. There…that’s not so bad! Now I’m sad the bread is gone. Guess I will have to make a batch of it now. Who’s going to help me eat it?

This morning I tried another new-to-me flavor of Chobani yogurt: Raspberry.

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I topped it with strawberries and blackberries. Loved this flavor too! I still like the pineapple one the best. Looks like I’m a Chobani convert!

I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. Afterwards I ran some errands and then came home to make lunch.

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Turkey sandwich on buttermilk bread with mustard, lettuce and tomato slices. I had a ton of veggies with hummus as well.

I just put dinner in the slow cooker and am off to pick up the kids from school. Enjoy the rest of your Friday!

What are your plans for the weekend?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten for dinner?


  1. I've had bread for dinner too. I'm a carb fiend. One of my fav dinners (much to my husband's disgust) is Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich with Pretzels on the side. Have a good weekend.

  2. I see nothing wrong with a slab of bread for dinner...I have a feeling I've done that before, too :) And I keep a stock of Chobani yogurt in the fridge for breakfast...it's become a staple for my hubby and oldest :)

  3. I am happily doing a lot of nothing this weekend. :)

  4. I am going to help you eat the bread if you make a batch of it. It looks so delicious :)
    The strangest food I ever had for dinner? Mmmm let me see.... Fried cassava served together with sweet potato leaves chili and honey roasted chicken wing. They looked so crowded on my plate but I finished them all.


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