137.4…Condiment Addiction

After many nights of being out, I enjoyed a quiet night at home last night. Dinner was super simple. I defrosted some leftover spinach lasagna, reheated it, made a big salad and just like that….dinner was done.

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This morning I toasted up an English muffin and smeared it with peanut butter. I also had some sliced strawberries to go with it.

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I dropped the kids off at school, went to my nail appointment and then my doctor appointment. Afterwards I stopped at Submarina for lunch. I ordered a roast beef sandwich on squaw bread with everything (except olives) on it.

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I have a confession to make. I love condiments. I do not discriminate.  If there’s a sauce, a dip or a spread, I’m all over it. For my sandwich today, I asked for mustard. The lady at the sandwich shop spread a bit on one of the slices of bread.  I asked her to put it on the other slice too. Hey! I want to be able to taste it! Actually, let’s get real. I want to do more than taste it. I noticed they had packets of extra mustard by the drink area and helped myself to some. I put a bit of extra mustard on each bite.

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I went through 6 packets of mustard. Admitting your problem is the first step.

After I pick up the kids from school, I need to hop in the shower and get dressed. Yup, another night out. This time it’s a company party for my husband. I’m looking forward to some good food!

Are you addicted to any condiments? 


  1. I actually despise most condiments including mayo and mustard. But I've been known to bust out the ketchup bottle for my Thanksgiving turkey, which grosses out my husband every year!!

  2. @laura
    My husband puts ketchup on everything. You guys would make a great pair. :)


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