144.8…Home Sweet Home

After a 6+ hour plane ride and a 2+ hour car ride, we were finally home. The kids did so well on the plane. I was finally in my own bed at 2AM.

Yesterday morning my daughter woke up at 6AM. Nice. 4 hours of sleep. Ok. I tackled the laundry (Ouch) and opened all the mail. Mostly bills but also this:
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Who doesn’t want to get chocolate in the mail?? Thanks Scharffen Berger for sending me some fabulous chocolate! Can’t wait to dig into that. But…..that will have to wait for a bit. I should probably start eating some fruits and veggies for awhile. :) Although, my weight was not as bad as I expected after all the delicious eats in Boston!

Yesterday’s breakfast was an egg sandwich on a toasted English muffin with some shredded cheese. I really need to get to a grocery store!
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I had one more eating event on the schedule before post-vacation “clean up your diet” occurs. We were invited to go with some friends to the San Diego Junior League Fundraiser. It was held at Ellen Browning Park in La Jolla. There was wine tasting and tons of food to try. Many San Diego restaurants were there with delicious food to try. I tried a bit of everything.
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I had a ton of Mexican food, a mini hot dog, barbeque ribs (my favorite) and lots of wine of course!
It was such a beautiful day in La Jolla!
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Cupcake Love was there  with their fabulous cupcakes. I sampled the lemon and peanut butter ones:
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I also tried the BEST cookies I have ever eaten. The company is The Cravory and they are only sold online apparently. The texture of the cookies were perfect chewy. I am in love. I tried their Oreo Milkshake, Red Velvet, Birthday Cake  and several other flavors. OMG. Amazing. I must order these. Check them out!
By the time I got to bed last night, I was exhausted. Fortunately I had a great night’s sleep and was ready to tackle the day!

Breakfast was toast with Teddie peanut butter and an apple. I brought the rest of the peanut butter home with me. I meant to buy a few more jars while I was in Boston but I forgot. :(
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I took the kids to a birthday party and picked up La Salsa for hubby and I for lunch on the way home. I had their Fire Roasted Chicken Bowl:
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I got it without the Poblano crema and cotijia cheese. It was good! I poured salsa all over it and went to town.

Now I need to finish the laundry and tackle the mess on my desk. Ugh. School starts tomorrow…back to regularly scheduled craziness.

Have you ever ordered cookies/baked goods online?

What was the best thing you ate all weekend? The Cravory’s  cookies!!


  1. I have never ordered food online, but I totally would if I had a reason.
    Those cupcakes look AMAZING.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Vacations are great but to me there is nothing like you own bed! So lucky to come home to chocolates!

  3. I am always so jealous of your eats! I haven't orded baked goods online before...sorry! The best thing I ate this weekend was actually just a frozen pizza, is that bad? It was portabella, spinach, fontina, with a an onion cream sauce!

  4. Wine counts as food right? I did have a great quiche and chicken burgers though.

  5. I have ordered food in the mail, but never baked goods. I'm so tempted to buy these--it will be interesting to see how fresh they are after shipping. I've gotten cookies in the mail and they always come dried out. (BTW, the link seems to be broken, but I did find the Cravory's page doing a Google search). Best thing I ate all weekend was a curried butternut squash and sweet potato soup that I threw together on the fly, inspired by a delicious curried tomato soup I had at Tanya's Soup Kitchen last week. It wasn't as good, but still pretty bangin!

  6. all those cookie flavors sound delicious! i've never ordered sweets online, but i've been tempted!

  7. Glad you guys got home safe! I used to buy Bakers Breakfast Cookies online - the way old WW points system - they were only 1 point - um, now they are 5 points!

    We smoked some beef this weekend - so good! :D


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