144.2…’Tis The Season

It was all about the leftovers last night. I reheated the sauce from my Penne Bolognese-Style and added it to some spaghetti for dinner.

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I enjoyed it with a Caesar salad that escaped my camera.

This morning’s breakfast was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Easy Granola, strawberries and raspberries.

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I took the kids to school and began a plethora of errands. The holiday season is in full swing over here. I’m having around 30 people over for Thanksgiving and to add more to my plate, it’s the first night of Hanukkah on Thanksgiving night as well. My to-do list is insane. Somehow it always gets done though.

I had lunch with Lisa at California Pizza Kitchen. I had my favorite salad there: Italian Chopped Salad.

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I came home and started wrapping gifts. I wish I could clone myself. I would get a whole lot more done.

Where are you going for Thanksgiving? 


  1. This year is low key for us. Since my husband is still out of work, money is tight, so we probably won't do any gifts this year.

    My Momma is coming over for Thanksgiving - kind of sad that she has to buy the food for me to cook, but oh well!


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