143.2…Mondays Rock

Most people don’t like Mondays. I don’t mind them at all. My husband and I went to Firenze last night for dinner. On Mondays they have half price bottles of wine. What’s not to like about that?

Besides the wine, I also really enjoyed the food. We shared a chopped Caesar salad to start.

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For my entree, I chose the Chicken Piccata. I LOVE this dish.

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I ate every bite. I know you’re not surprised. Mondays also rock because Monday Night Football is on. It gives us something to look forward to over here!

Breakfast this morning was the same as yesterday. Toast with peanut butter and half a grapefruit.

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I took the kids to school, went to a meeting and then back to the house to wait for a plumber (sink issues). Next was the Apple store for iphone issues.  They did not get resolved. Ugh. Going back to tomorrow.

After the Apple store, I grabbed a Subway sandwich for lunch.

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I’m finally feeling a bit more on track now from my Tokyo trip. I slept great last night which I’m sure helps!

What do you look forward to on Mondays?
