142.6…Feeling Behind

After getting back from Tokyo, I feel SO behind. My inbox is overflowing, there are piles on my desk, the laundry bin is sky high and we have no food. Why is it that you need a vacation after getting back from one?

Fortunately, there were some leftovers in my fridge from a dinner at Buca di Beppo that my husband and kids went to over the weekend. That was dinner last night.

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And it was good. Double score.

Breakfast was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Easy Granola and strawberries that mysteriously froze in my refrigerator.

November 2013 007

I dropped the kids off at school, went to a meeting, then back to the Apple store to try and fix the wifi on my phone. They could not recreate the problem in the store. Of course, they couldn’t!! Ugh.

The kids had half day so we did our usual “half day lunch” at McDonalds’s.

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Grilled chicken McWrap and a side salad with ranch dressing. What is not pictured are a few fries and McNuggets that my kiddos did not finish. Their loss.

Are you feeling behind right now??


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