145.4…I Miss Cooking

I really do.  This summer has been crazy with travel for me. I just can’t get into a groove. I’ll cook a couple of meals and then we’ll go somewhere. We get back and then it repeats again. My stack of recipes to try is growing taller than my house. I guess I’ll just have to wait until the kids go back to school before I can get crazy in my kitchen again. Yes…the traveling is NOT over this summer!

Dinner last night was courtesy of our BBQ leftovers from Sunday. Still tasted great!

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Fact: I love condiments. Especially hot sauce. Awhile back I read on HungryGirl.com about a condiment called Vivi’s Carnival Mustard

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I finally found it at a small grocery store near me. Verdict: I hate it. It’s WAY too sweet. I tried it with my chicken kabob and it’s not a winner.  Reminds me of a cross between hot dog relish and yellow mustard. Maybe I just need  to try it on a hot dog? Hate wasting food but I don’t know what to do with the rest of this stuff. Boo!

This morning I was excited because I forgot I had grapefruits in my fridge. They are from my mother in law’s tree and they are the best grapefruits ever! I ate mine with a toasted English muffin with peanut butter.

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After dropping the kids off at the camp bus, I went to my Cardio Muscle class. We did a bit of kick boxing which I really enjoy!

Today was a Subway kind of day.

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After lunch, it was off to Target and Home Depot. Exciting huh?

I’ll tell you what’s exciting….I’m meeting a friend for sushi tonight! Have a great rest of your day!

Do you love to cook or is it a chore for you?

Have you ever tried Vivi’s Carnival Mustard? Thoughts?


  1. We've been traveling a lot too, so I know what you mean. My biggest challenge is grocery shopping...as in, I don't want to buy too much and have it go to waste while we're out of town, but I also don't want to not buy enough and end up eating out while we're home. (if that makes sense)

    Bummer about the sauce :(

  2. I do enjoy cooking, but baking is my true addiction!

  3. I think it's summertime that makes me not want to cook. During the winter I don't have anything better to do ya know?

  4. I love, love, love to cook! And I am so jealous of all your traveling! I haven't taken a trip in so long. Too long.

  5. I really only started cooking this year...which is a very sad fact! Slowly, but surely, I'm learning to enjoy it. The only down side is that cooking for one usually means eating the same thing for several days and I definitely get tired of that!

  6. Sometimes I love it, other times it is a chore...I think the whole cleaning up part is what really ruins it for me. If only I had a maid:)

  7. I love to cook, but also love Subway (now that they have avocado!)...

    Sucks about the mustard! I hate wasting food, too. I'll hoard things I don't like forever, swearing I'll eventually eat them. I never do.

  8. Cooking is a chore. I wish it wasn't but it is. I've only been in the kitchen for about a year and I'll never enjoy it like my hubby.

  9. i do love to cook, but only when i have time to really enjoy it. if we're rushed and i'm starving, it's no fun!


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